Ideas to Supercharge Your Test Prep

The most effective test prep is HIGH-QUALITY instruction all year followed by BOOT CAMP in the weeks leading up to testing.


  1. It aligns with PBIS.
  2. Salute and be proud to be an American!
  3. Spring is in the air making the students lackadaisical.
  4. More classroom structure makes it easier to teach new content and review. Believe it or not, kids want and need structure!
  5. It sets a serious tone for testing.
  6. It adds NEW FLAIR to your teaching style. The younger grades catch wind of it and actually look forward to their own experience of Boot Camp in your class. (see image below)
  7. One-line phrases really get the class moving: “You’ve got ten seconds, and nine of them are already gone!” I love to use this one for lining up!
  8. Practice military style commands- at attention, at ease, about face, stand your ground, and hand salute.
  9. It gives students a purpose and adds meaning to testing strategies and review.
  10. It gives students guidance to make the right decisions.
  11. As teachers, we are performers. Let the entertaining begin!

Decorate the Classroom


  • a joke.
  • physical exercise.
  • a time to tear students down.
  • a time to yell!
  • quantity over quality.
  • busy work.

How to Begin

  • Pretend it is the first day of school.
  • Teachers become sergeants and students become recruits.
  • Name yourself Sergeant __________, and ask students to reply, “Yes, Sergeant (last name).”
  • Review all classroom/testing expectations MILITARY STYLE!
  • Students set weekly goals based on
    • classroom, hallway, testing expectations
  • Offer a weekly incentive for students who meet their goals.
  • Students recite the Student’s Creed.
  • Create a class cadence (call-and-response song) “I don’t know but I’ve been told…”
Works like magic! Students complete simple tasks before the end of cadence.

Show this video to demonstrate the structure of Boot Camp and its impact on learning.

How to Make Boot Camp Review Fun

  • Last Man Standing
  • Roll Dice
    • Each student or group of students has a die. When checking work, student get to roll the die for each correct answer. Add all points. Highest number wins.
  • Grudgeball Review
  • Around the World
    • Begin with two students. Ask a question. The student who correctly answers first moves to the next contestant, and the losing student takes a seat. The goal is for one student to make it “around the world” by getting back to his or her own seat if time permits. Dividing the students up in small groups helps accomplish this goal. Otherwise, the student who moves the farthest wins.
  • Create a Walking Tour
    • Post social studies sources, math problems, or science questions around the room. Students can work with partners or small groups as they visit each station and complete the task. I like print slides from PowerPoints lessons and post them around the room.
  • Jeopardy Review
  • Whiteboard Review
    • I created a comprehensive review in PowerPoint that includes important information on all standards. The first slide asks a question and the next slide reveals the answer. This game can easily be turned into a Jeopardy Review game. I love the versatility of this resource: unit review, unit preview, state test prep, task cards, writing prompts, and, my personal favorite, Showdown.
  • Showdown
    • Teacher presents a question. Students write their answer on personal whiteboards. Teacher says, “3, 2, 1 Showdown.” Students hold up their whiteboards. Each student tallies his/her own points.

Whiteboard Review Games

Teach Writing by Example

Research Simulation Task Guide
Guide to Ace Research Simulation Task

High-Quality Assessments All Year

  • Novel assessments should include questions that cover all ELA standards and mirror the end-of-the-year test.
  • Social studies and science assessments should be source-based and include writing components.
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